puppys killed

This Earth is for All : 16 puppies were killed brutally at NRS

This Earth is for All : 16 puppies were killed brutally at NRS : 16 number of puppy were killed brutally at NRS hospital at kolkata by 3rd year nursing students.

puppys killed

This Earth is for All : 16 puppies were killed brutally at NRS

Fact: On 13th January 2019, people  told and according to CCTV footage that 3rd year nursing students killed 16 puppies brutally by wooden stick at NRS Hospital at Kolkata.

How did a nursing student can do this? where those student choose nursing as carrier! 

The duty of a nurse is nursing and saving life always. But the nursing students of NRS were accused for killing a number of small puppy. 

This incident showed the ruthless humanity of this generation of nursing students.

In this case, all animal lover institution & society came on road to protest. They will not stop until those accused students will be arrested. 

Steps taken by Administration: The administration of NRS hospital started investigation and they told they will find out those culprits and hand over to the police.

On the other hand, The police of Entally police station has started the investigation. Entally police has filed case in the penal code of India in 429 and 201. On the other hand, the case was filed in the penal code of India in 11L for the ‘provision of cruelty against animal’.

As a good human All people need to protest against 16 puppies were killed brutally at NRS.

nrs puppy killed 2

What a cruel activity taken by few NRS’s Nursing students!

nrs hospital

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