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Address : Hooghly, West Bengal, India

Short Description About Hooghly

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Bandel (the name came from the Bengali word “bandar” which means “port”) appears to have been the port of Hooghly. at the time of Portuguese and Mughals.  The only relies of the  Portuguese settlement are the Church(Basilica) and the monastery.  It is about 2 kms away from  the station ‘Bandel’.  The present church and monastery said to built in 1660 by Gomez de Soto having the key stone of the old church bearing the date 1599 over the eastern gate of the Monastery.  In front of the Church stands a ship’s mast which presented by the captain of a vessel which encountered a storm in Bay of Bengal. And save by the grace of Virgin, the center of attraction.  There the statue of” One lady of Happy Voyage” in the middle of the church.  The church has three altars, a small organ & several tomb stones.

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The Imambara

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The building having a masonry revetment  situated on the bank of river Ganges at Chinsurah.  The place is nearest to the railway station ‘Hooghly’ on the Howrah Bandel main line. And from Hooghly station the rickshaw or auto rickshaw is available to reach the place.The building started in the year 1841 by Haji Mohammad Mahasin &  completed in the year 1861. At the cost of Rs.2,17,413/- including a clock procured from England at  the cost of Rs.11,721/-.  The two storied building consisting ranged rooms having a wide entrance of  main gate flanked by two nos. of giant towers measuring 80 ft. tall & a massive clock tower in between them. A mosque, the walls of which decorated by the texts from the Holy Koran. And the interior of the  mosque  enriched with inlaid marble and careings, candle and lanterns.  The mosque  situated at the north side of the building.  At the south there an enclosed compound where the graves of Md. Mohasin & his relatives are present.

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This is one of the very important temple amoung all the temples in Hooghly District & & seven in West Bengal.  The structure of the  temples is the representation of ‘Tantrik Satchakrabhet’. This 5 storied ‘thirteen ratna’ temple  situated near the Bansberia and Tribeni railway station.  Both of which is on the Howrah-Katwal main line. Near to this temple there are also two other important temple named Ananta Basudeba Temple,  which  decorated with very rich teracotta pointed plates and Swanbhaba Kali Temple built by Nrisinhadeb in 1788.


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Address- Hooghly, West Bengal, India.

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