Economic Reforms In India

Economic Reforms In India Economic Reforms In India Introduction: You have learnt in the previous units that after Independence the state assigned the predominant role under the belief that resources better allocated by a planning authority. Licensing considered the best way to manage the limited I resources. However, over the years, it experienced that such … Read more Economic Reforms In India

Performance of the Indian Economy in the Era of Economic Reforms

  Performance of the Indian Economy in the Era of Economic Reforms Performance of the Indian Economy in the Era of Economic Reforms The word reform means to form again. It also means to make better by making necessary changes. Performance of the Indian Economy in the Era of Economic Reforms For instance, we say … Read more Performance of the Indian Economy in the Era of Economic Reforms

Performance Of The Indian Economy Over 1951-91: An Appraisal

Performance Of The Indian Economy Over 1951-91: An Appraisal       Performance of the Indian Economy Over 1951-91: An Appraisal                                                                      … Read more Performance Of The Indian Economy Over 1951-91: An Appraisal

Resource Allocation In The Indian Plans


Resource Allocation In The Indian Plans    Resource Allocation In The Indian Plans Resource Allocation In The Indian Plans: Investment pattern of Indian Plans reflects the objectives and implementation of actual planning strategy. It is important to look at the resource allocation under Plans. For a better view of resource allocation the economy divided into … Read more Resource Allocation In The Indian Plans