Make Your First Blog Website in WordPress | Built Your Carrier as a Freelancer | Free Training

Description: In this package you can learn how to design and built a website through WordPress. This is a full duration course from Basic to Advance.
Page Contents
In this course you will be able to make website or blog. After completing the course you will work as freelancer in or such a website.
You will get full knowledge about WordPress. A full course on Website Designing.
Motive: In this course you will be able to make website or blog. After completing the course you will work as freelancer in or such a website.
You will be a pro website builder or website designer. You will also be a Blog site builder.
Duration: 15 Mints x 30 = 450 minutes or 7.5 hours.
Per Day you will get 1 video up-to 30 days.
Cost: It is a self Enhancement Course and It is a free training (No Hidden Cost)
How To Enroll: Please Follow The Process Given Below…………………….
1. Subscribe the YouTube Channel (Free of Cost) by clicking the red button where you will get those training videos through private link.
2. Email to this email id ( your full name and email id for getting the notification when the session will be start.
3. That’s all and your enrollment process will be completed.
When class will start you just watch the videos in your free time and note down all the session.
2 live session will be held at the end of the course where you will clear all of your doubts.
Enrollment capacity: This batch will start with 1000 students. Hence it is requested all to share it in there social media and Whats App group so that batch can be full quickly.
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